In its 2022-2024 WPB, the Bank approved the disposal of several properties including Stand 1160 and 1161, Zvishavane to unlock value and liquidity. In compliance with Section 92 of the PPDPA Act [Chapter 22:23], the Accounting Officer approved on 20/01/2022, the disposal of the stands (refer to attached memo dated 14.01.2022). Since the property is owned under an Agreement of Sale with Zvishavane Town Council (ZTC), the Chairperson of the Asset Care Committee has also written to ZTC advising them of the impending sale.
There is need to advertise these properties both on social media and in the press to reach out to as many potential buyers as possible within the shortest period.
a) Property Description/Proposed Advert
Two abutting undeveloped stands being stands 1160 and 1161, measuring 2,679 and 3632 respectively, hereinafter referred to as the Property. The property is sold as one stand. The property, which is earmarked for a commercial development, is in the new Zvishavane CDB extension, approximately 1km from the existing CBD. The new CBD extension is abutting with Pick and Pay to the Southeast. We are looking for Offers. The Bank is not obliged to accept the highest or lowest offer, or any offer.
E-mail all offers to: lchinyoka@idbz.co.zw