Ted is a mining, energy and resources lawyer and expert. In addition to being a Consultant for Sengwe Law Chambers, Ted is a Commissioner and Deputy Chairperson for the Zimbabwe Land Commission (ZLC). As ZLC Deputy Chairperson, he is part of a team responsible for the overall management and strategic thrust of the Land Commission, to ensure the mandate of the Commission as provided for under Section 297 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013 is fulfilled. This mandate entails ensuring accountability, transparency and fairness in the administration of agricultural land vested in the state, investigating and resolving land disputes, land audit as well as advising government on land management and administration issues. He chairs the Legal and Governance Committee of the ZLC.
As a lawyer his work spans mining and energy law and policy; drafting mining agreements; power purchase agreements; and procurement and supply contractual agreements. Further, whilst based in England, he successfully initiated and implemented a diaspora mortgage facility for Zimbabweans through a London based Representative Office, on behalf of Intermarket Building Society. He also consulted for Kaiser Associates (Cape Town) working on a World Bank project on “Increasing local procurement by the mining industry in Zimbabwe” as well as carrying out consultancy and advisory work on the recapitalization of a dually listed local coal mining company. He single-handedly drafted the project information memorandum (PIM) which was accepted as bankable by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DABSA).
Ted sits on the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) board and he chairs the Human Resources and Governance Committee and is a member of the Petroleum Committee and Audit and Risk Committee.
Commissioner Ted Muzoroza holds a BSc (Hons) Psychology Degree (Lon); LL. B (Hons) (Lon) and LL.M in International Trade and Investment Law in Africa (UP).